The qsiprep
preprocessing workflow takes as principal input the path of
the dataset that is to be processed. The input dataset is required to be in
valid BIDS formate at least one
diffusion MRI series. The T1w image and the DWI may be in separate BIDS
<session> folders for a given subject. We highly recommend that you validate
your dataset with the free, online BIDS Validator.
The exact command to run qsiprep
depends on the Installation method.
The common parts of the command are similar to the BIDS-Apps definition.
qsiprep data/bids_root/ out/ participant -w work/
Command-Line Arguments
QSIPrep v0.24.0: q-Space Image Preprocessing workflows
usage: qsiprep [-h] [--skip-bids-validation]
[--session-id SESSION_ID [SESSION_ID ...]]
[--bids-filter-file FILE] [--bids-database-dir PATH]
[--nprocs NPROCS] [--omp-nthreads OMP_NTHREADS]
[--mem MEMORY_MB] [--low-mem] [--use-plugin FILE] [--sloppy]
[--anat-only] [--dwi-only] [--boilerplate-only]
[--ignore {fieldmaps,sbref,t2w,flair,fmap-jacobian,phase} [{fieldmaps,sbref,t2w,flair,fmap-jacobian,phase} ...]]
[--infant] [--longitudinal LONGITUDINAL]
[--subject-anatomical-reference {first-alphabetically,unbiased,sessionwise}]
[--anat-modality {T1w,T2w,none}] [--b0-threshold B0_THRESHOLD]
[--dwi-denoise-window DWI_DENOISE_WINDOW]
[--denoise-method {dwidenoise,patch2self,none}]
[--unringing-method {none,mrdegibbs,rpg}] [--dwi-no-biascorr]
[--b1-biascorrect-stage {final,none,legacy}]
[--no-b0-harmonization] [--denoise-after-combining]
[--distortion-group-merge {concat,average,none}]
[--anatomical-template {MNI152NLin2009cAsym}]
--output-resolution OUTPUT_RESOLUTION
[--b0-to-t1w-transform {Rigid,Affine}]
[--intramodal-template-iters INTRAMODAL_TEMPLATE_ITERS]
[--intramodal-template-transform {Rigid,Affine,BSplineSyN,SyN}]
[--fs-license-file PATH]
[--b0-motion-corr-to {iterative,first}]
[--hmc-transform {Affine,Rigid}]
[--hmc-model {none,3dSHORE,eddy,tensor}]
[--eddy-config EDDY_CONFIG] [--shoreline-iters SHORELINE_ITERS]
[--pepolar-method {TOPUP,DRBUDDI,TOPUP+DRBUDDI}]
[--fmap-bspline] [--fmap-no-demean]
[--use-syn-sdc [{warn,error}]] [--force-syn] [--version] [-v]
[-w WORK_DIR] [--resource-monitor] [--config-file FILE]
[--write-graph] [--stop-on-first-crash] [--notrack]
[--debug {fieldmaps,pdb,all} [{fieldmaps,pdb,all} ...]]
bids_dir output_dir {participant}
Positional Arguments
- bids_dir
The root folder of a BIDS valid dataset (sub-XXXXX folders should be found at the top level in this folder).
- output_dir
The output path for the outcomes of preprocessing and visual reports
- analysis_level
Possible choices: participant
Processing stage to be run, only “participant” in the case of QSIPrep (for now).
Options for filtering BIDS queries
- --skip-bids-validation
Assume the input dataset is BIDS compliant and skip the validation
- --participant-label
A space delimited list of participant identifiers or a single identifier (the sub- prefix can be removed)
- --session-id
A space delimited list of session identifiers or a single identifier (the ses- prefix can be removed)
- --bids-filter-file
A JSON file describing custom BIDS input filters using PyBIDS. For further details, please check out
- --bids-database-dir
Path to a PyBIDS database folder, for faster indexing (especially useful for large datasets). Will be created if not present.
Options to handle performance
- --nprocs, --nthreads, --n-cpus
Maximum number of threads across all processes
- --omp-nthreads
Maximum number of threads per-process
- --mem, --mem-mb
Upper bound memory limit for QSIPrep processes
- --low-mem
Attempt to reduce memory usage (will increase disk usage in working directory)
- --use-plugin, --nipype-plugin-file
Nipype plugin configuration file
- --sloppy
Use low-quality tools for speed - TESTING ONLY
Options for performing only a subset of the workflow
- --anat-only
Run anatomical workflows only
- --dwi-only
ignore anatomical (T1w/T2w) data and process DWIs only
- --boilerplate-only, --boilerplate
Generate boilerplate only
- --reports-only
Only generate reports, don’t run workflows. This will only rerun report aggregation, not reportlet generation for specific nodes.
Workflow configuration
- --ignore
Possible choices: fieldmaps, sbref, t2w, flair, fmap-jacobian, phase
Ignore selected aspects of the input dataset to disable corresponding parts of the workflow (a space delimited list)
- --infant
Configure pipelines to process infant brains. If using this parameter, the anatomical-template will be changed to MNIInfant. The appropriate MNIInfant cohort will be selected based on the participant’s age.
- --longitudinal
Treat dataset as longitudinal - may increase runtime
- --subject-anatomical-reference
Possible choices: first-alphabetically, unbiased, sessionwise
How to define subject-specific anatomical space. sessionwise will produce one anatomical space per session. The others combine anatomical data across sessions to define one anatomical space per subject.
- --skip-anat-based-spatial-normalization
skip running the anat-based normalization to template space. Default is to run the normalization.
- --anat-modality
Possible choices: T1w, T2w, none
Modality to use as the anatomical reference. Images of this contrast will be skull stripped and segmented for use in the visual reports. If –infant, T2w is forced.
- --b0-threshold
any value in the .bval file less than this will be considered a b=0 image. Current default threshold = 100; this threshold can be lowered or increased. Note, setting this too high can result in inaccurate results.
- --dwi-denoise-window
window size in voxels for image-based denoising, integer or “auto”.If “auto”, 5 will be used for dwidenoise and auto-configured for patch2self based on the number of b>0 images.
- --denoise-method
Possible choices: dwidenoise, patch2self, none
Image-based denoising method. Either “dwidenoise” (MRtrix), “patch2self” (DIPY) or none. (default: dwidenoise)
- --unringing-method
Possible choices: none, mrdegibbs, rpg
- Method for Gibbs-ringing removal.
none: no action
mrdegibbs: use mrdegibbs from mrtrix3
rpg: Gibbs from TORTOISE, suggested for partial Fourier acquisitions (default: none).
- --dwi-no-biascorr
DEPRECATED: see –b1-biascorrect-stage
- --b1-biascorrect-stage
Possible choices: final, none, legacy
Which stage to apply B1 bias correction. The default ‘final’ will apply it after all the data has been resampled to its final space. ‘none’ will skip B1 bias correction and ‘legacy’ will behave consistent with qsiprep < 0.17.
- --no-b0-harmonization
skip re-scaling dwi scans to have matching b=0 intensities
- --denoise-after-combining
after combining dwis, but before motion correction- --separate-all-dwis
don’t attempt to combine dwis from multiple runs. Each will be processed separately.
- --distortion-group-merge
Possible choices: concat, average, none
- How to combine images across distorted groups.
concatenate: append images in the 4th dimension
- average: if a whole sequence was duplicated in both PE
directions, average the corrected images of the same q-space coordinate
none: Default. Keep distorted groups separate
- --anatomical-template
Possible choices: MNI152NLin2009cAsym
volume template space (default: MNI152NLin2009cAsym)
- --output-resolution
the isotropic voxel size in mm the data will be resampled to after preprocessing. If set to a lower value than the original voxel size, your data will be upsampled using BSpline interpolation.
Options for dwi-to-Anatomical coregistration
- --b0-to-t1w-transform
Possible choices: Rigid, Affine
Degrees of freedom when registering b0 to anatomical images. 6 degrees (rotation and translation) are used by default.
- --intramodal-template-iters
Number of iterations for finding the midpoint image from the b0 templates from all groups. Has no effect if there is only one group. If 0, all b0 templates are directly registered to the t1w image.
- --intramodal-template-transform
Possible choices: Rigid, Affine, BSplineSyN, SyN
Transformation used for building the intramodal template.
Specific options for FreeSurfer preprocessing
- --fs-license-file
Path to FreeSurfer license key file. Get it (for free) by registering at
Specific options for motion correction and coregistration
- --b0-motion-corr-to
Possible choices: iterative, first
align to the “first” b0 volume or do an “iterative” registration of all b0 images to their midpoint image (default: iterative)
- --hmc-transform
Possible choices: Affine, Rigid
transformation to be optimized during head motion correction (default: affine)
- --hmc-model
Possible choices: none, 3dSHORE, eddy, tensor
model used to generate target images for hmc. If “none” the non-b0 images will be warped using the same transform as their nearest b0 image. If “3dSHORE”, SHORELine will be used. if “tensor”, SHORELine iterations with a tensor model will be used
- --eddy-config
path to a json file with settings for the call to eddy. If no json is specified, a default one will be used. The current default json can be found here:
- --shoreline-iters
number of SHORELine iterations. (default: 2)
Specific options for handling fieldmaps
- --pepolar-method
select which SDC method to use for PEPOLAR fieldmaps (default: TOPUP)
- --fmap-bspline
Fit a B-Spline field using least-squares (experimental)
- --fmap-no-demean
Do not remove median (within mask) from fieldmap
Specific options for SyN distortion correction
- --use-syn-sdc
Possible choices: warn, error
Use fieldmap-less distortion correction based on anatomical image; if unable, error (default) or warn based on optional argument.
- --force-syn
EXPERIMENTAL/TEMPORARY: Use SyN correction in addition to fieldmap correction, if available
Other options
- --version
show program’s version number and exit
- -v, --verbose
Increases log verbosity for each occurrence, debug level is -vvv
- -w, --work-dir
Path where intermediate results should be stored
- --resource-monitor
Enable Nipype’s resource monitoring to keep track of memory and CPU usage
- --config-file
Use pre-generated configuration file. Values in file will be overridden by command-line arguments.
- --write-graph
Write workflow graph.
- --stop-on-first-crash
Force stopping on first crash, even if a work directory was specified.
- --notrack
Opt-out of sending tracking information of this run to the QSIPrep developers. This information helps to improve QSIPrep and provides an indicator of real world usage crucial for obtaining funding.
- --debug
Possible choices: fieldmaps, pdb, all
Debug mode(s) to enable. ‘all’ is alias for all available modes.
Infant mode
If --infant
is used, the pipeline will select an MNIInfant template with the
appropriate cohort based on the participant’s age.
is only compatible with --subject-anatomical-reference sessionwise
QSIPrep’s cohort selection is derived from Nibabies.
Participant Ages
QSIPrep will attempt to automatically extract participant ages (in months) from the BIDS layout. Specifically, these two files will be checked:
Sessions file: <bids-root>/<subject>/subject_sessions.tsv
Participants file: <bids-root>/participants.tsv
Either file should include age (or if you wish to be more explicit: age_months) columns, and it is recommended to have an accompanying JSON file to further describe these fields, and explicitly state the values are in months.
Note on using CUDA
The CUDA runtime version 9.1 is included in the QSIPrep docker image.
The CUDA version of eddy is dramatically faster than the openmp version.
Information on running Docker with CUDA enabled can be found on
dockerhub. If running with Apptainer,
the call to Apptainer should include --nv
. To enable CUDA, see Configuring eddy.
Logs and crashfiles are outputted into the
<output dir>/qsiprep/sub-<participant_label>/log
Information on how to customize and understand these files can be found on the
nipype debugging
CUDA Support
As of version 0.6.7 CUDA version 9.1 is supported in the QSIPrep container! To run locally
using docker you will need the nvidia container runtime installed for Docker version 19.0.3
or higher. Apptainer images will run with CUDA 9.1 with the -nv